To the Victorious Survivor...


Hello there Victorious Survivor.

I know you don’t feel victorious most days.
You feel like all you can muster up is that surviving part.
Where you crawl on your hands and knees searching around for the light.
You have so many days where the pain and the memories seem so real,
They push you into a corner just like he did.
They shut you up just like he did.
And they make bruises so real you check your skin to see if they have reappeared.

Let me just say, I’m sorry.
I’m sorry your faint whispers at first were not heard.
I’m sorry no one came to rescue you from those horrors.
And I’m sorry the bad guy got away while the crowd just looked at you bleeding.

But precious soul, you got up.
One weighted, lifeless step at a time.
Defying the odds.
Telling him day after day, through those brave steps, that he did not win.
You crushed his foul plans to destroy you.

You are making him see that you are more than a body used for sexual and tormented pleasure.
You are an infinite creature with a passionate soul.
He cannot bury you.
For you rise from his habitat of destruction,
And you claim that victory, day in, and day out.

But Victorious Survivor…
(Actually let’s call you Victorious Warrior, that seems more fitting, because you fight so damn hard just to be here).
Just so you know, they will try to silence you.
Don’t let them.
They will say all is over and forgiven.
They will move on.
Just to shut you up and calm you down.
Don’t let them.
Say your words.
Yell if you must.
Though I know it's hard because part of you still struggles to think it's not your fault.
Stop wrestling with that, you are NEVER to blame for this.
Lift up those hands and show the marks from his hands.
Open up your healing heart for them to see the scars he carved in.
And please yell.
Please jump up in revolt.
Make sure they hear you.
Because you are beyond worthy to be heard.
And he is beyond worthy to be charged.

Because he killed something.
That part of you that won’t come back to life.
No matter how hard and no matter how long you tried.
You gasped for air.
You reached out for aid.
But that part died.
Though I’m so proud of you for realizing, you are still okay.

For a new girl rose in her place.
A girl who knows how to rise through the pain.
And has a voice that could cause a tidal wave of change.

Victorious Warrior,
I want to hug you so tight and say how proud I am of you.
Because you have made it here.
To this day.
To this current place.
And you are alive.

You are more honest and more raw with that beautiful heart of yours.
Cliché questions and answers don’t cut it.
And who needs more of that in the world?
You stand up for others,
And what’s more impressive,
You are also starting to stand up for yourself.
You look difficulty straight on.
And though you shake,
You know you can face it.
Because though he tried to bury you,
Victorious Warrior rose up and stands now.
Day after day showing more of that brute strength.
That strength he said you could never have.

Show him my dear.  
Show him you are stronger than he ever was and ever will ever be.
And if that lowlife of a man returns for another piece of you… 
Raise hell my dear. 
Let him see what exactly a Victorious Warrior can do.

. . . . .

Sincerely with a loud voice and a passionate love,

     Your fellow Victorious Warrior


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